Friday, July 15, 2011

Anxiety, Lexapro, Scared?

I was on Lexapro and Welbutrin for 4 years, and just a few weeks ago finally stopped taking Lexapro. I slowly took lower and lower doses of Lexapro over the years until I got down to just taking half a pill, then completely stopped. While I'm still on the Welbutrin, I still feel extreme anxiety which has been heightened since I completely got off of Lexapro. I constantly feel scared, keep thinking about death and worrying that I will die soon, not feeling a part of my own life and distant from my loved ones, randomly thinking angry but irrational thoughts, heart constantly pounding and experiencing constant butterflies. I’m also very afraid of being left alone. I worry that I will feel this way forever. I don't know if it's Lexapro withdrawals or simply my depression and anxiety coming back after years of them being under control. I got off of Lexapro to stop feeling numb, but now I am hypersensitive to EVERYTHING. Everything is so overwhelming, and I don't know how to deal with it. I desperately need help, I keep wanting to talk to someone about it but have not found anybody. I feel like the people around me don't understand, and when I tell them about it I feel I'm either being annoying or frightening them. I worry I'll never feel "normal" again, and will always be distant and sad. I go through random waves of sadness where it's almost impossible not to cry. Nothing bad has happened, nothing to trigger any of this. There are actually many good things happening in my life and I want to be happy and grateful, but mentally I am extremely unstable. I don't want to live a life as a frightened yet zombie-like version of me. Someone please help!!!!

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