Thursday, July 14, 2011

Are these signs of pregnancy or is this all n my head? TTC SO HELP PLEASE?

I am ttc #1 i found out a year after stopping bc pills that I ***** ovulate on my own so my dr reccomended we try clomid.this was my 1st cycle of it and I got a positive opk and had sex each day I had a positive now I am trying to figure out if im pregnant! It is too early to test but ive had tons of symptons: headache nausea w/out actually vomiting, sore back, changes in appetite hotflashes shooting pains n my lower stomach and a heightened sense of smell.i cant test until tuesday and thats with a five day early kit so im jus wondering can I really be pregnant or is my mind playin a trick on me cuz I want it sobad? Advice plz! Anyone whos been or is pregnant did u experience any of these symptoms? Thanks 4answers n the meantime ill b prayin for a positive on tuesday!!!! :)

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