Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pregnant or just hormone changes?

I'm 19 and have irregular periods on birth control. I have been on the pill for a year. Now my last period was shorter than usual and was a week late. I'm still having sore breasts and nipples along with headaches and bad nausea. I also am feeling sick to my stomach right now and have been having frequent urination as well as a heightened sense of Smell.

Can you rewrite thses sentences?

Existing railroad tracks within the port are in total disrepair and only a few of them are in operable condition. Should these internal railroad tracks be repaired, the facility will experience a heighten sense of efficiency by increasing cargo mobility through north and south of the port area.

Pain in lower right abdomen...again?

2 weeks ago, I started having horrifying pain in my lower abdomen, accompanied by heavy vaginal bleeding (after my period was a week late). I waited 3 days before going to the hospital, when the pain became too unbearable. They ran every test possible, blood, urine, internal and external ultrasounds, cat scan, internal exam, pap smear and colonoscopy (I have Crohns disease, and they wanted to look and be sure it wasn't that). He suspected appendicitis due to the location of the pain, but I had no sign of infection in my blood nor signs of problems with my appendix on the scans. The doctor was a bit baffled, as not only did nothing look wrong, but all my tests showed I was in fact in excellent health. He said it may have been something called a chemical pregnancy, where I miscarried before it even had a chance to attach itself, but that was his only possible reason for the pain and bleeding. It subsided by that Sunday, and I felt fine last week. This morning, the pain returned in the same area, just as intense as before, and came out of the blue again (no bleeding this time though). This time, however, if I lay flat on my back, you can feel a very swollen something (I'm guessing a lymph node?) on the lower right side near my hip. It is beyond painful to touch. My breasts have also become so sore it hurts when the rub against my bra or shirt. I'm am now 99.999999% sure this has to be something to do with hormones or my female parts. I have had ovarian cysts before that have ruptured and caused similar pain and funny female problems, but in the hospital, they saw no sign of them when the did the ultrasounds. Before I go back and look like a hypochondriac after being told I was in perfect health 2 weeks ago, what might be going on? Anyone have similar symptoms? I'm looking for things to suggest my doctor look for. I'm well in tune with my body, and there is something very wrong, even if it's hiding from the standard tests.

Is 32aa Or 34aa bra size normal for a 12 year old girl?

My friends are Like sizes C, and B,s alot of girls are in those rangers it is normal for my sizes? and i just turned 12 like 2 months ago :)?

Is my nose piercing infected?

I got my nose pierced a little over a week ago.. I clean it regualrily with sea salt and water.. the last few times cleaning the inside though, has made it pop almost all the way out, i have an L shaped stud by the way so it shouldn't just pop out like that.. but when i pushed it back in it was oozing yellowish clear gooeyness that hardens around the inside stem of the stud, and around the jewel of the stud.. is that an infection? it doesn't hurt much when i fix it back to place, or when i clean it.. it stings a teeny bit when i clean it but thats it.

Sending pictures!??!?

So my boyfriend wants me to send him a hot picture what does he mean "hot" cause hes crazzzyyy if he thinks im sending one in my bra or something. Im 13. Hes 14.

Is my ear piercing ok?

It's probably infected. Put alcohol on the earring and your earlobe everyday & try twisting it. Thats what your supposed to do when you first get it pierced. You also may be allergic to that certain type of earring. I have to wear 14k gold because of my ears. Just try not to wear fake things, like the cheap ones at Claires.


Nope, sounds like you pretty much covered everything. Though I would add i-pod/charger,but that's just me. Hope you have fun!

What's wrong with my monroe piercing?

I got a monroe piercing about 3 months ago and about 3 weeks ago it started to form a sort of bubble of skin on the inside of my lip on one side of the piercing but it's not oozing or anything. I don't know what's wrong with it or how to fix it.

How long should it take for an umbilical cord stump to fall off?

I read somewhere anywhere from 7 days to 4 weeks? It'll be 2 weeks tomorrow for my son. And should it greenish underneath? It's becoming looser each day but we don't wiggle it or anything. I looked under it today and it doesn't look gooey or oozing, but it does look greenish. Almost like the actual base of the cord is what has turned green.

A question about sunburns?

Okay so i got a sunburn yesterday, and this morning i had bumps on my face and when i touched the bumps it started oozing, is this normal or should i see a doctor?

How do i ask my mom about period stuff?

Well you can write in down on a note and tell her that you were a bit nervous to say it face to face but really needed to tell her. Im ssure she will make sure u have what u need as far as period things n bras. thts a less stressful way to do it. And after that she will be aware tht u are going thru changes n be more open to talk to.

Does he like me? Please help!?

There's this guy I text like everyday and talk to on the phone. I kinda like him and weve hung out once this summer and plan to again when we hung out it was 2 of my girl friends and one of he's guy friends. We played truth or dare and I picked dare so my friend dared me to lick he's cheek (and part of the rules were to no chickens) so I licked he's cheek and he had no bad reactions. Were going into 7th grade and we all walked around places and he like wanted to walked next to me most of the time. When we went to the park he had on 2 pairs of pants and it was just raining but got sunny and my friend asked to use his pants o dry or off and he keep telling her no. When I asked he was like on whatever so I cleaned it off then threw em into the woods and he didn't get mad. There was a pool at the apartments we walked to but u had to be a resident. We were gonna sneak n but ten we saw a lifeguard. I also said I didn't have a swimsuit and he was like ok then u guys can swim in bra and underwear. That's basically a swimsuit. And he keep looking at me when he was saying it. So I was just wondering

Not normal periods, unprotected sex, no period, but negative test result. Could I still be pregnant?

I have really bad cramps during my periods so my doctor has me taking bc for 3 months at a time and only having four periods a year. Well the day after I stopped taking my bc so I could have a period and start a new pack I had unprotected drunk sex. It's been a little over two weeks after the fact and I've had no period. I've taken 3 tests two came out negative and one was invalid. I've experienced some symptoms TMI like the more than normal discharge, heightened sense of smell, cramping, and sore nipples. All of which could go either way for being pregnant or getting a period. Some sights say it can take more than two weeks for an accurate pregnancy test, I just don't know because no one I've searched has talked about a similar situation.

What kind of cover up should I use?

I have a large festering sore below my cheek bone. It is red, and oozes frequently. Any advice on makeup to hide it?!

Does anyone here ever had a tubal ligation or know about it?

my fiance had a tubal ligation about a year ago. she hadn't had sex until i moved in with her about a month ago. she had two kids and one miscarriage. now she is having severe pain in the area of her ovaries. the pain she is feeling comes and goes. she has been much more lethargic than usual. for instance, she went to sleep 12 am last night. she didn't wake up until 4:30p today. she is oozing a clear liquid from her vagina. she say her vagina, anus and the surrounding areas are hurting. what could be wrong with her??

Skin hurts. Shingles? Getting worse. Help?

Im 15 years old and first, about 5 days ago, my back started hurting..more precisely on the left side under my shoulder, exactly where the bra strip goes over. Then my skin under my left breast started to hurt, exactly where the wire of my bra goes along..and now its starting on the left side. At the beginning i thought it wasnt anything bad. But now every move i make, it hurt soooo badly. The thing is, there is no rash, nothing..the skin looks perfectly normal, but its hurts like its paper ripping or burning. Does anyone know what it could be? Is there a possibility of having breast cancer? Or shingles?

Does breast size really matter?

my breast size is a 34 B but a small B and i get very paraniod about taking my bra off when im with my boyfriend i havent been with him too long and dont want to put him off, is this normal? does it really matter if they are smaller to ones that he might have seen before, like will he care or put him off? please give an honest opinion, thanks :)

I need a bigger bra!?

Hey! I went through the exact same thing, just create jokes with your mom and just say "hey mom my boobs are finally growing haha", it won't be that awkward trust! its uncomfortable at first but trust me your mom will be happy that you're going to her! hope this helps (:

What's causing my weight loss?

I am an 18 year old male, and recently I've noticed my clothes becoming slightly looser one shirt that used to be skin tight now fits normal I haven't weighed myself since fall but then I was around the 280-290 mark. I have had no changes in in my appetite or diet but it appears I'm loosing weight. I do have anxiety and depression and both have been heightened the last few months but not enough for me to stop eating or any thing abnormal from my day to day. I'm not concerned it's a health issue yet because it hasn't been an extremely drastic change my guess is probably 10-20 pounds which is great but I just am not sure how it's happening. Does anyone know what might be causing this?

Is my ear piercing ok? Is it infected? How should I treat it?

Your ears sound to be fine, just really irritated. Claire's, who do ear piercings, should sell some ear cleaners that'll help keep infection away. If anything too bad, I would see a doctor just to get it checked out so no permanent damage (if any) happens.

My daughter just asked me about masturbation! please help!?

well i am a single dad so i dont know much about this stuff. but my daughter came up to me and asked me about touching herself! she said she didnt know what she was doing but she said it felt good and when she started to spasm it felt really good and this white gooey stuff along with water like stuff oozed out of her, well you know. and idk how masturbation goes for girls. i mean i know about periods and stuff of course. but she wants me to explain this to her. and we have a very open relationship so i have no problem with it. anyway can you explain to me how female masturbation works? like what was the stuff coming out of her? please help! ps she is 12 years old and no i am not "trolling" plllleeeeaaaasssseeee help!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Did i get my period? -please read-?

it is normal. your blood is just mixing with discharge, which is your body's natural cleansing system

My whole toe nail is falling off!?!?

So, i noticed my softball cleats were getting small on me. I kept telling myself I would get new ones but before I knew it the season was over. I noticed during the season that toe started hurting and then my big toe nail become bruised. I knew it was because of the shoes. Then it started oozing brown stuff (it looked like blood, sorry don't mean to gross anyone out) After that it turned greenish. It started becoming detached slowly. Today it is almost completely off. I could honestly pull on it and then it would detach completely. However, I know a new one will grow back but still. What will my toe look like? How long will it take to grow back? Also, how should I care for it? It's the summer and i really don't want to walk around toe-less with sandals. Please help me!

I wonder, could I be pregnant?

I am overweight, and my family has a history of fertility problems, but my fiancee and i have unprotected sex quite regularly, and i have had a regular cycle for the last year, but i have missed the last 2 periods and i have had some weight gain, mood swings, tender breasts (only for a few days), clockwork nausea (every night at 7pm for at least a week), heightened sense of smell, etc. I took 2 home pregnancy tests 6 weeks of so after my first missed period that came out negative, could it still be too soon? I have never had any health problems, as I stated, I am overweight, but I have never had high blood pressure, diabetes, or thyroid issues. I did go to planned parenthood for a blood pregnancy test, but I am going nuts waiting for the results, 5 more days! But what if that is wrong too? I really feel like I am...

Where can i get cheap, DD+ Push up bras from?

I'm 15 soon and i have size 36E boobs and i can't find any good sites that do cheap, plus size push up bras, someone told me that push up are better than plunge is this true? Please help and leave links to good sites that i can buy them off. really need to be very cheap :) thanks x

What is this stuff coming out of my penis?

i was just relaxing sittin in my "birthday suit"...not playin w/my self, just relaxin, but i looked down and there was this clear gel like liquid...was oozing out of my penis, what is it?

Have you ever tried nursing tanks instead of nursing bras?

Yup. I wore them a lot. Target brand are cheap, but also liked glamour mom. Yes, you can wear the pads with them.

Why are all my sense so bad?

I have no sense of smell and everyone says once you lose a sense another one heightens but not in my case my sense of taste isn't all that great my eye sight isn't either i have to use glasses and well my hearing i always have to ask people to repeat what there telling me. Why hasn't any of my sense heighten?

I saw this on yahoo answers please help im scared!! Fertility question!!?

I wouldn't stress about it much. Just keep yourself healthy in general. If you're really concerned then ask your doctor about it next time you go for a check up.

My girlfriend had MRCA, and now I'm afraid I'll get it, is it possible?

She said she got MRCA from swimming in a lake by our house with rope swings and stuff, and she winded up cutting her foot on a rock, giving her the virus. It's probably been 1-3 years since she got it (I'm not sure), but she said she has multiple scars or whatever from it. She also said she's gotten her tounge pierced before, but had to take it out because the MRCA spread to it. The catch is, she told me this after I just got down kissing her for the first time. I didn't really think too far into it until I actually said to myself, "wait, I think MRCA is a bad thing" .. but by that point I've already gotten with her plenty of times, but I'm scared to do more because I don't want to heighten my chance at catching the virus. I'm not even sure if it's still active in her system. Please give me advice on what to do, or what may/may not happen to me. Thank you.

Does this sound right to pack for a 3 night, 4 day lax camp?

more spandex. You can't have too much of this type of clothing. It's so comfortable and can be matched with a lot of other outfits.

When do you know your poison ivy is gone?

I had a little poison ivy on my forearm, started about last week today. It stopped itching and oozing about 3-4 days ago. And now it just looks like its drying up and there's some dead skin. Is it gone?

Is this Genie Bra really effective?

Genie Bra is one of the best undergarments, which is especially designed for ladies to accentuate their most important body asset.

English essay.. please help me!!:)?

Sounds like your Professor wants you to state what YOU think about your subject and why you think that and give some evidence to prove what it is you are trying to say. He said to try giving a statement like Beethoven was the greatest composer because... Usually in a thesis you want to state your argument and give a few short reasons why you believe this. You can still use some of the background information you have but try to make your paper more like, you are trying to convince your reader why you think Beethoven is the greatest composer. Give convincing proof for your argument and develop your theme and give a solid conclusion to your argument.

Is it more than just curiousity when the taping is intentional?

i recently discovered that i was being videotaped taking my male cousin who is 19. i found the hidden camera and he was talked to about this one on one with me. he says he is embarassed and acted out on an impulse from thoughts of the female body and that he has no attraction toward me. i dont know if its b/c he's a vigin with heightened impulse or something more. but, he says he wont do it again. i am worried that this may be more than what he leads on. plus, he doesnt want anyone to know about it. what should i do?

Is my belly button ring infected?

I got it pierced about two weeks ago I clean it 3 to 4 times a day with antibacterial dail soap but it's a little red and kinda sore and sometimes when I move it the greenish yellowish ooze comes out but I don't think its puss

Opinions on my book!?

thats a really good book. Its like the Fallen series by Lauren Kate. u should read the series for ideas for u book and everything. u should post ur story on i love this website its the best. u can get names from they give u a bunch of names. and if u need surnames u should look up the most common surnames on google that what i do.

Best chance at getting NBA Dallas Mavericks Finals tickets for face value?

It really depends on how the Mavs split up their ticket allotment, but your best bet is probably to try to buy tickets in person at the AAC center. The Mavs are doing a lottery there, but you'll only be competing against people who can actually physically get to the location. If you try online or phone, you're competing against people from all over the world who are trying to cash in and make a quick buck.

What should I do with my deceitful husband?

You have to decide if you love him enough to put up with his flaws. If you do, then see a marriage cousellor together. If you don't love him, then divorce him. You can still be friends.

Is 32b the normal bra size for an 12 year old?

I'm 12 years old, 5ft 2, weigh 90 lbs and i wear 32b . Compared to the other girls in my class i totally look and feel totally flat. Is this normal. i feel self conscious and almost like an empty shell. when we change for p.e. i try go in the bathroom stalls and change or put my pe shirt on and take off the other one underneath. i was just wondering is 32b the right size cuz there are girls my age with boobs in a different cup size.

Personal Question..GIRLS ONLY?

I am leaking breast milk...sometimes i will just randomly see damps spots on my shirt where my breast are. My bra has alot of spots too...Is this normal? I am only 14 and I'm NOT pregnant. I just finished my period a day ago..this just started happening a couple days ago. Also, i've been on my period for 3 years. Can someone please explain this weird thing..also my mom said it might not be breastmilk..idkk .

Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time ESSAY HELP!?

I would choose the second prompt. Read the book; it's really good. The author develops much of the irony using Christopher's autism.

What protection do I need on my Intellectual Property?

A copyright would help, but I think I would use the Terms Of Service. The thing is that you can not control what people copy (cut and paste) from the web.

Relationships/ friendships and the 12th House?

I have Virgo in 12th and I'll tell you Virgo sun people are the farthest from a soul mate to me. They are not my cup of tea. More of "i'm glad you are gone" situation, than what you have. lol

How to ask mom for a bra?

Asking for a bra is not the easiest things in world todo.But all you have todo is this. Just say mom i ready for a real bra, ad she will take you toget measured. =]

What's the fastest way to get rid of this cold ?

I have an eye thats smaller than the other and its pink . It keeps oozing out this cloudy stuff . my neck is aching and my throat is killing me and my nose is all clogged up . please help ? thanks .

Is my bra to small or to big?

my current bra size that i am wearing right now is a 40 B. the Straps always fall down and makes them sag i have to keep on pulling the straps back up all day. i think the band width is to big. i also have it in the last setting and the straps are as small as they can go. the piece in the middle of my bra is not touching my skin is far away so i think the cup size is to small. does anybody know what size i should get? i have tried several sizes and they never fit right. i cant go to a bra fitter because i live in a small town and there aren't any places to go. any suggestions?

What is the Average bra size for 13?

My mom and all her family have big boobs from c-d. My mom said that she was a c cup in my grade and I'm only a 34 a. I feel like really small cause most girls in my grade are c's and b's. Also my dads side of the family for the girls are d's. But one of my moms aunts are smaller then the rest and she said i could have taken after her. And i want to know the average size for a 13 year old girl.

Monday, July 18, 2011

How to get rid of poison ivy REEAALLLLLLYYY FAST?

ok so im allergic to poison ivy and i went out biking yesterday. didnt touch any plants and came back home feeling fine. but i woke up this morning and the entire left side of my face is puffy, turning red and itches! i know its poison ivy because ive had it like this before, but it took almost 5 days to go away! when i realized what it was it was already oozing, but that was last year and this morning it was only starting to puff up and turn red. the bummer: i have summer party tonight at 4 and a graduation party tomorrow! HEEEELLLPPPPPP MMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

Is what's inside a lava lamp harmful for my health?

I broke my lava lamp on my carpet. Luckily the glass part didn't break, but the pop came off and blue liquid spilled in what looked like a 20 inch puddle. I cleaned it up with a carpet cleaning vacuum/carpet shampooer, and blotted it afterwards with an old towel and threw it away. It's still not ALL the way out, but mostly is. it doesn't smell great, and I have allergies and asthma, do this has heightened my concern. Am I paranoid? What should I do? (PS - I don't know what brand of lava lamp it is)

Does this outfit sound appropriate to go to see a band at a club? (girl)?

that sounds perfect. and yes, maybe one you can clip onto your pants or something, i know that sounds weird, but if you want to jump around, it will be much more convenient

How to lose weight fast? ?

I want to lose 20 lbs. I'm 110 right now, and I wannna get down to 90. ( don't try to talk me out of it. I know my body.) I'm built small, but I want to lose the weight fast and effectively. I don't want to starve myself or anything. And I work out. Also,haha just wondering, I'm a C cup right now, if I lose weight how will it effect my bra size? (Im 21. Done growing.)

ATT Medical professionals: Please can you help me in find the p.c. term for users of family planning clinics.?

Lord, spare us from the Politically Correct crowd. You're right, you do get into a trick bag pretty quickly when you try to find another name for patients other than "patients." Some American hospitals simply refer to them as "customers," or "clients." I guess if you're going to try to come up with a word that can not possibly be controversial, then you could come up with any term you wished. I'm just old-fashioned enough to prefer to call patients, "patients."

When will i get my period?

Im 12 and like my breasts are a bit hard (If you know what i mean) and they are pretty small, like i have to wear a bra with a little padding or else it will look really weird, and i cant fill a bathing suit. but i am still really short and kinda chubby, and will i hit a growth spurt and lose the extra fat? (and its only my stomach that's big, nothing else cuz my arms and face are pretty skinny)

Is my navel ring infected?

Its been pierced for 3 1/2 weeks. Its oozing cloudy whitish/yellow pus, bleeding, sometimes clear liquid. I've also heard of cleaning it with vinegar. I've been using sea salt, so should I try vinegar?

I want to be raped by my husband each night, is it normal?

I love it when he becomes wild with me but doesn,t loose control. How can I ensure that he loses contol and rapes me each night. How can I have errect nipples to attract him as he always suckles on my breasts even when not having sex all through the night. We have been married since 17 years and have sex aleast 4 to 5 time one after the other during the night . He is very hot butdoesnot use any medication for his. He has to do it to me as he says he isonly attracted to me.He even ***** me during my periods. It hurts really bad but I wish to have it wild each time he gets his errection through the night.Is it normal to love to be raped and have uncontrollable wild sex so frequently. If due to any work or commitment he doesnt make love to me any night, I miss him too much, I am lost in these thoughts for the next wild session. I love the way he ***** me. I love everything he does to me. His touch etc. During the night while my breasts are in his mouth milk doesnt ooze out but i dont know what fun he feels but i get wet many times during the night.

Will someone please read this and give me some advice ? :/?

ok going anorexic wont help you. If you are overweight go on a diet and exercise. Do it the healthy way. 2lbs a week is what most doctors think is medically sustainable for long term weight loss. As for your friend IGNORE her. she's probably not much of a friend. she has low self esteem and is taking it out on you. You dont have big boobs soo what. First of all your young, they can still grow more. if not you can always get surgery when your older. Forget your friend, she doesnt deserve you.

Best strapless push up bra?

i really love the abigail bra from aerie! it has a great amout of push up and it stays on well. it comes with removable straps including clear ones which is nice. very comfortable too!

Should we have sex? Help?

This girl and I have been good friends for about 2 years. Well recently she came out and told me she likes me. Well i was excited and said i liked her too. We have been talking. And the other day she sent me a picture of her in underwear and a bra. and i told her i liked it. and he had been talking about sex. but the thing is...she is moving across the united states in about a month. I want her to be my first but since i will never see her again should i not do it? Thanks.

Being blackmailed by cousin?

okay so i am 16 my name is jake and my cousin elizabeth is 12. we live close so we see eachother very often and she usually just walks in. so one day i was home alone and nobody would be back for hours. so this is embarrassing but i decided to jack off cause i hadnt in a while and christ im 16. this is even more embarrassing but i had a pair of panties in my hand while doing it, it makes it easier. anyways i dont wanna be graphic about it but there i am in my room in the middle of it, sitting at my computer desk. all of the sudden the door swings open - it was closed but i didnt lock it, knowing nobody would be home for a while. elizabeth is standing in the doorway staring at me in shock. i froze - what the heck am i supposed to do. she looked at me with my hand down there and covered her mouth in shock. after a few seconds of shock i grabbed a towel and covered myself up. elizabeth ran to the bathroom and eventually came back. she asked me what i was doing and i told her nothing i was just changing clothes and i should have locked the door. she knew what i was doing and said she was going to tell my parents and everyone she knew. i begged her not to and said i would do anything if she wouldn't. when i said anything, i could tell her eyes lit up with ideas. she is always one to try to humiliate me and mess with me on any day. so she told me she had an idea - she was also home alone for hours which is why she came over, her parents told her to. instead, i was going to go to her house with her for a while. it didnt seem bad at all until after we got there. i figured id have to deal with her being annoying for a few hours. then she came downstairs holding one of her dresses in hand and told me to put it on. i laughed and asked her why she would think id ever do that. she told me i agreed to do anything and that if i didnt, shed tell everyone what she saw and make it sound even worse. i continued to refuse for almost 20 minutes while she convinced me to by saying if i just wore the dress for a little while itd all be over, finally i knew she wouldnt let up and i said ok, if you leave me alone afterwards. it was a long pink dress and i went into another room to put it on. when i came out she laughed her head off at me, calling me a little sissy girl and saying how cute i looked. so embarrassing. then she pulled out a camera and started taking pictures. i ran away trying to avoid it. i tried to get the camera so i could delete them, but she hid it somewhere i didnt see. she said now she had pictures of me in her pink dress and could show anyone so i had to do what she wanted. after pleading for a while i realized she could make me do anything now and gave in. i said id do anything just dont show those pictures please. she seemed to love this and was calling me her little girl now and said id have to wear her dresses all day. she made me wear underwear and bra as well and gave me a makeover. i wanted to cry it was so gross. she took pictures every new outfit i wore and posed in them with me. she then took me to her room and made me lay in her bed in the most feminie embarrassing short pink dress. she said i was now under her power forever and that whenever we were both home alone i would come over and play dress up or else. i had no way to get the pictures and if my family saw id never be able to live it down. so i agreed because i had no choice. she laughed and said i was such a cute girl and made me walk home in her dress, which she said i had to keep hidden in my room. i walked down the streets trying not to be seen but it was so scary being in a dress out in the open. people pointed and i began to run til i got home. i finally got it all off and hid it away. since then she has made me dress up 3 more times. i need out, she makes it worse and worse every time. what can i do? if i do anything bad she will show everyone the pictures and i would never be able to leave my house. HELP

What's the first thing you do when you get stabbed?

definetly DONT take the knife out. sit in a cmfortable position. also stop the bleeding by putting a tshirt of something on it. but dont apply pressure on the knife!

What happens after he gets my top off?

Hey I am Ally and wear 38B size bra and My boyfriend and I are going to have sex I am just wondering what to do because I look like I wear a 38C and I don`t..... I am just wondering what guys would think? Or what he will think? Any answers...

Awkward body????????????

so i'm fairly tall (6 foot 7.5 inches), and i have an hourglass body shape, which i know is the ideal body type to some, but I HATE IT. my hips and shoulders are super wide and my waist is very narrow. the thing is my torso is short and i'm not over weight (i'm about 138 pounds) but i always seem to look heavy in clothes. i have "love handles" i guess you could say and a muffin top just because my hips are so wide. i'm not out of shape, i dance 5 hours a week and am considered average for weight, but i just don't understand what to do to look thinner. plus when i'm wearing clothes my boobs look to be about Size B but i'm really a D cup, but i'm even starting to grow out of all of my D bras. i need some fashion advice please...i just ordered a bathing suit and the top is a D but it's too small for me and I just look awful in it but i really dont think im a DD, honestly my boobs dont even look that big, all my friends thought i was a yeah...any advice?

How do i know when my poison ivy is gone?

I had a little poison ivy on my forearm, started about last week today. It stopped itching and oozing about 3-4 days ago. And now it just looks like its drying up and there's some dead skin. Is it gone? Should i wait? Or what

What is this feeling? my soul being touched?

My girlfriend has been running her fingers down my back and all over my body and about 95% of my body when touched by her or maybe any female (i'm not sure if it's just her or all females but anything else that was to touch me in any of these areas has no effect) has the most amazing feeling I have ever felt in my life, personally I think it is my soul being touched but I am not sure I know this is something very spiritual..... after she is done I feel a high unlike anything I have ever done and it seems to be I'm a lil clumsy and my senses are heightened... after this last time I had a somewhat of a headache in my 3rd eye area..... if anyone has any info on anything about this I would looooooove to know as much as possible..... thank you for any reponses.

Which color/print do you like the best of this bra?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why do my nipples hurt?

is it because of a bra?It's been 2 weeks since they started to hurt and they still do.They are a bit sore and red too.

How do i get my mom to take pictures with me?

Show her this letter, so she will realize how important this is to you. She should understand since she feels the same about her pictures. Then get a friend or relative to help you during get togethers. She will be dressed up more then and feeling better about herself. Good Luck!

I caught my brother's friend doing something disrespectful/humiliating. what should i do?

I think you should let it go. I dont think by humiliating him will do any good. Obviously he has issues but you need to talk to him about it and tell him not to do that ever again. But other than that just let it go.

Was this justified behaviour?

My mom and I got in an argument, and I thought it was over so I went back to to computer (my personal laptop is broken so I have to do my work in the living room). But my mom followed me and continued the argument even though we both knew we wouldn't reconcile our differences of opinion. She kept telling me to go to my room. At this point, I was really emotional. I have a history of letting my emotions govern my actions but I believe that we should act upon reason and facts instead of emotions. emotional decisions almost never result to be in our favor. most emotional decisions I've made in my life I can now count as "regrets." I am a cutter, I don't know if my parents know, since I'm smart and do my hips. But it isn't something I'm proud of, and I usually regret it later. this tells me that it is just an emotional decision that has no hold in logic. Would a clear mind tell me to cut myself open? no. would my emotions? Yes. Anyway she told me to go to my room but I wouldn't budge. I knew that if I went there, where my xacto is, I wouldn't be able to stop myself. She kept hitting me, slapping me across the face. I told her that her parenting methods were very inconsistent and asked her what good sending me to my room would be. All I could get in response was blubberings of "I'm the parent I say so" and i told her that unless she could prove that sending me to my room was going to magically fix the situation (it never has, come onnn) I wasn't going. After hitting me in the mouth a few times (classy, but this isn't about physical abuse. I'm used to it and I've already consoled myself that the people hitting me aren't my parents, they are the emotional urges that they sadly haven't ever learned to control) She kept calling my a psycho because i wasn't reacting to her. i sat there and said that she could be as violent as she wanted to me towards me, but it would only prove her wild and inconsistent parenting method and I would not be persuaded by force to go. Then she pretty much gave up and left, and now here I am. I'm a little emotional right now, of course, since after such a heightened confrontation and also the disappointment that a parent would hit their child so hard and so many times, and also i guess maybe a little distracted from the throbbing. (please don't comment on that) this post is not about her hitting me, this is about whether or not I was justified in not going to my room, to try to keep myself from cutting and also because I really don't have respect for wild, emotional, inconsistent parenting.

Where can I find some really cute bra/cropped tops to wear for a college dance team try-out?

Target has a new section dedicated to sports wear and carries sports bras in a wide range of styles and colors.

Seriously wtf is wrong with me!!?

I'm an emotional WRECK!! The only thing I've been on is vicoden (just got my teeth pulled) and these diet pills... I haven't taken anything the last 2 days but seriously this last week... Oh My God... Im just SOO angry like I can't hold anything back! I've gotten into it with my bf so many times and I've even tried to fist fight him! Right now, I got mad at him for nothing to extraordinary (hes bringing ppl over but didn't tell me) and in my mind, I know its not a big deal, but my anger is so heightened I started shaking and crying when I found out! I totally ruined his bday and I won't even talk to my roommate bc i'm afraid I might snap. Its been going on this last week, i'm 23 and trust me, I've had my share of pms-ing but this--this is just crazy.. I feel like i'm losing it... I feel like a boy on steriods and I cannot control my anger! What are some "woosah" remidies that actually work.. this isn't me, I hate being mad all the time :(

Add strawberries to a Fondant cake?

Okay so ive been trying to fill my fondant cake with strawberries. First I'll layer the cake with buttercream, then lay out sliced strawberries and put on the second layer of cake.. this seems to work for a short amout of time unil the berries start dripping or like turning into ooze. which ruins my cake inside under the fondant.. um what do I do? can I maybe freeze the strawberries then layer them on the buttercream? that way it will hold for longer?

What do you think my whippet would like??? dog experts?

so i have a whippet mix she loves running, chasing after bunnies, trying to jump on trees to get a squirrel,chasing me,chewing, those toys that you have to try really hard to get the treat out of,getting my personal stuff ( shirts,bras,pillows etc.) and rubbing herself all over it or destroying it,my dog is capable of chewing or eating anything until it is destroyed which now she rarely does any way my point is she doesn't like anything i buy her just that one toy that has treats and my stuffed animals which i did not buy her, she doest like swimming yet that was totally off topic so i cant find her something she would love to play with that isn't mine now she does during school have separation anxiety hence the chewing and destroying anything in sight but because its summer i spend allot of time with her but when school starts again i don't want her togo back to eating her poop or destroying things i need something to keep her occupied for a long time maybe a toy? when im at school shes outside sooo yeah i think that's pretty much it HELP??? PS my parents said that if she starts destroying stuff or eating poop again shes an outside dog AGAIN so i need something that will work!!

I have a rash behind my ears any help?

For maybe a year or so I have had rashes behind my ears. They peel, flake, itch, ooze and bleed slightly sometimes. I have been told it is contact Dermatitis but I do not believe that is the case. Any help is appreciated. It's really nasty cause it looks like I have dandruff! :[

My daughter getting her period and not telling me?

My 10 year old daughter I think got her first period because ive been finding a little bit of blood on her underwear. Im going to talk to her about it. She doesnt need a bra or doesnt have any armpit hair etc. Im not sure if she got it though becuase she hasnt been angry or wants to be alone or any of the symptoms. Do u think she has it?

What would you do in this situation?

My cousin and her new husband are staying with us and It is kinda awkward because my cuz's hubbie is new. And then I was taking a shower, and it was just me and him at my house and I'm just wearing a towel and I go into my room and he is sitting on my bed. I was just in a towel and I just stood the and he like stared at me for a second and then handed me my bra I left on the floor and went downstairs. I am really creeped out and we r going to be alone tonight again. He claims he doesn't drink so his wife and my parents r going out... I'm kinda scared, but my cousin really loves him and I donnwant to break them up and he didn't really do wrong, like he didn't touch me or anything...

Should you ever send a guy a picture of you in a bikini or bra & panties?

Okay so I am texting this guy and he asked me randomly if I could send him a pic of me in a bikini or bra or panties? What does this mean? Should I do it?

Pain around belly button area?

It started out with one day me noticing oozing or puss (yellow & white) coming from inside my belly button (deep inside) my belly button isn't pierced or anything, and it was coming from deep inside. I kept it clean with hydrogen peroxide and it hasn't been infected of oozing ever since. Now it hurts inside my stomach around the belly button area. It hurts when laying down, when bending down, walking etc. I also feel sick for hours if I eat a medium-large proportioned food amount now. What could this be?

How to treat sunburned face?

It's pretty bad lol. This is the third day I've had it. The day I got it my face was really red, but these last two days it was more of a brownish-reddish. The last two nights I've had this weird... liquid stuff oozing from my sunburned face (sorry, I know that's pretty gross). I think it's that kind of liquid stuff that comes out of blisters because my face did blister, though not very bad. It really only happened during the night so I think they popped or something while I slept as I sleep on my stomach. Any tips? I don't really care about the pain, it's bearable, but I just hate how I look right now lol.

Help! Girlfriend alarming me with more and more marriage talk.?

Tell her that dating for 2.5 months does not mean your apartment belongs to her, she has no right to throw out your belongings and you are not about to marry her.

Which of the following is true about rhyme in poetry?

Rhyme, likeness of the terminal sounds of words, frequently used in versification either at the end of a line of verse or within the line. Traditional poetic forms have prescribed rhyming patterns; for example, sonnets usually follow the Italian rhyme scheme.

Does smoking weed on birthcontrol promote blood clots like cigarettes do?

i smoke weed like a few or couple times a week..but i dont smoke, because i know that smoking cigs while on birthcontrol will heighten your chances of getting blood clots or make your birthcontrol less effective. but someone told me yesterday that smoking weed will do the same thing because your letting toxins into your body, even though its not nicotine and tobacco and stuff. so now im confused because ive read the opposite before. im taking yaz birthcontrol

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lupus genetics???????

i know that people with history of lupus in the family have a higher chance of getting it, but if i had a second cousin (my moms cousin) does that heighten my risk of it? im asking because i have a few mild symptoms of it, and recurrent iritis (i think sun triggered it again) - which i know can be caused by lupus

Is it possible the tests are false negatives?

I'm five days late for my period, and I've taken 4 over the counter pregnancy tests. One was Clear Blue, the other three were cheap ones. All were negative. Well, I've always been really regular with my periods, up until now. I'm even having symptoms like frequent urination, heightened sense of smell, nausea, and abdominal pain. Could these tests be wrong, or am I just REALLY late?

In the modern age, what does 'a spoiled child ' mean?

I have been thinking about this a lot lately too. My brother in law considers our kids "spoiled" because we have them in sports and music lessons. He says it is not a privilege its spoiling them. However, his wife gives their children sugary sweets all day long, takes each kid shopping once a week (they have 5), and even their 7 year old has an ipod. To me, sports (outside of school) and music lessons is not a necessity but also not a reward. Its something constructive. Whereas shopping every week is not.

The Curious Incident of the dog in the Night-time ESSAY HELP!?

The book specifically wishes to demonstrate that people with autism are people too, not robots or extraterrestrials.

My wife has lost all sex drive while

I had always heard that women had a heightened sex drive while pregnant? It seems quite the opposite with my wife...i have tried everything, from doing the house chores , I have tried flowers, gifts, foot and back rubs...nothing seems to work...if this is common I can deal with the lack of sex for nine months....any advice or past experience would help greatly?

Where are some places to purchase bras?

I just want regular bras I'm finding difficult to find bras that I like and have my size at Gap, and Victoria's Secret, the stores I usually shop at. What are some other stores i can buy bras from? I don't usually like department stores.

Can subconscious pattern recognition explain the ESP phenomena?

Maybe in some ways for some people but it doesn't explain things such as dreams i have had that have come true such as deaths in the family etc and then there are times like this one time my daughter was at special ed school (she has autism) and i was at home an hours drive away (live in the country) and i got that anxious dreadful feeling you get when something is wrong. My heart was pounding i couldn't stand still and was starting to panic, and i knew that there was something wrong with my child. Ten minutes after i started to get anxious etc the teacher called me to say that my daughter needed to go to hospital and was in pain, and in the background i could hear her screaming in pain. Now that morning before i took her to special school she was fine with not one symptom. There was another time too while i was on a bus with my daughter, out of know where again my heart started to pound with that awful anxious feeling. I had this urge to grab my daughter and hold on to her tight and about ten seconds after i did so the bus driver slammed on his brakes and everyone went flying with a few people seriously hurt. If i didn't grab hold of my daughter when i did, she would of been one of those unlucky people hurt. So i do believe in ESP.

Is there a form of birth control that won't harm a guy?

I don't want my Boyfriend to feel uncomfortable while we're having sex and focusing on the thing poking his member than the pleasure of us connecting. I was wondering if there is a form of Birth control that wont hurt/poke or prob my guys thing and that won't harm my chances of ever being able to conceive when we're ready for children. I can't take the pill or the patch b/c of the heightened risk of breast cancer. My had breast cancer 2 yrs ago and when I was 16 I had found lumps, so I wanna be safe and avoid anything that could cause my body harm. I can't do the shot b/c it seems to not get along with women in my family, Both my mother and aunts have taken the shot and were no longer able to conceive, so the shot is WAY out of the picture. Can someone please help me with my dilemma? Also(this last part would be nice if a guy answered) How often does the Mirena wires hurt or make a guy uncomfortable, and does it make sex less pleasurable? O.o

Possible pregnancy or something else?

Ive been on the pill for a year now but lately i havent remembered to take it at the same time everyday. Now im not sure yet if I am pregnant but I am feeling very sick mainly afternoon and night time as well as being very gassy and having that constant hunger feeling even when I feel full. I've been irritable lately about the dumbest stuff and I have sore breasts and nipples. I'm also getting these pains on the right and sometimes left side if my abdomen and an increase in watery discharge. I also find myself urinating frequently and having a heightened sense of smell. Smelling things I normally wouldnt find stinky. Does it sound like I could be pregnant? If I am I would be around 7 weeks

How come when i *** it dosnt shoot out?

when I i masterbait it dosnt shoot out.instead it oozes out.i am not trying to be gross i just something is wrong with my penis and it scares me

Becoming a vampire...?

I know there is no suck things as vampires but, I have heard that you CAN get certain powers from drinking blood. Like improved sight and hearing and stuff. I know you wouldn't have fangs or be able to fly or any of that movie stuff, but if you drank enough blood wouldn't that sort of make you a vampire? I mean like if you slept during tha day and stuff. I guess you wouldn't REALLY be a vampire, but just from the drinking blood and having heightened senses.

Do i have psychic dreams or ability?

I think you're on the path to being a full fledged psychic, congrats! I think you just need to have a mentor to guide you in harnessing your gift. My friend is also like that, when an idea enters her mind, it turns out to be true, exactly the same way that happens to you. She also sees random images of people she doesn't even know, even people from other countries. She can't see ghosts, but her hunches are usually correct, whether it's about people or situations. The psychics that have spoken to her told her that her intuitions are quite strong. And her dreams are prophetic too. So i would encourage you to harness your gift, you can help many people with that. You can go to it's a paranormal forum where you can ask knowledgeable people there to guide you.

Theres a lump on my lip. What is it?

I woke up bout three days and I had a pimple so I popped it. Then woke up later and my whole face was swollen including my lip. every night before, I would popped it some more and more yellow ooze would come out of it. So now it still there and there's a knot there the size of a quarter on my lip on to my nose. What should I do? some people have told me its a cold sore or fever blister.

Weird Q: How soon can I make out after wisdom teeth surgery?

My wisdom teeth were surgically removed on Tuesday morning.. three teeth, no stitches. It's Thursday night, I'm still a little sore and they bleed/ooze or whatever, and I don't feel like I should be kissing really any time soon (still sore/bloody and it hurts to suck or chew solid food) but I'm just wondering if anyone knows how soon it'll be before I can kiss my boyfriend again? Thanks!

Why do girls swuimsuits look like underwear, but guys swim trunks look Like pants?

Girls swimsuits looks like bra and panties or less, but guys swim trunks looks like short baggie pants... why?

What should i do about my horse?

First of all any horse can do anything (except if you want your horse to jump and it has a broken leg or is lame) but i think you should keep your mare and let your friend say what she want but don't tell her to expect you to complement her. i would love to come and meet you and your horse and watch you train send pics to i havent had a horse that is right for me yet but i am glad others have!

Am i pregnant ?, my period is 13 days late and i have been getting metal taste in mouth and nausea.?

Also tiredness and heightened sense of smell, my last period was 27th of april and have had intercourse 2 times since then, pregnancy test is negative.

Small Bumps above my earlobe piercing HELP!?

On each of my earlobes I have a small bump above my piercing. The bumps are painless and don't ooze or anything, they are just there. I don't keloid when I scar. I did get them done by a gun at Claire's and used rubbing alcohol after the Claire's solution ran out. The bumps started showing about 5 months after I got them pierced. I really need to know what wrong with them. any advice would help

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Can i take bottles of alcohol on holiday with me?

I think you you can take them in your suitcase, but I'm not sure how many, within the EU I don't think there is a limit, but I would check just to make sure. But probably spirits are cheaper in Spain.

Help! I can't ejaculate!! 10 points!?

Two or three days ago I ejaculated for the first time. I'm fourteen, pubic hairs, growing, and my voice is getting deeper I think. It rly suprised me because I wasn't expecting it. My penis began to twitch a little and I couldn't hold it back. It was a little yellowish and I kind of oozed out at the end. I tried masturbating today and for an hour. Nothing and I felt some good pleasure. Any help?

Poll: What did women do before bras were invented?

well cavewoman prolly didnt care enough to get sickly skinny looking so they probs didnt run too often...

Is 36D bra size big?

it's not massive but it depends on the size of the girl. if she's a shorty and very skinny then 36D wld appear massive. However, if she's a chubster and likes her Maccas then a 36D will look insignificant on her.

Is a DD equvilant to a E Cup?

I am trying to find a good nursing bra to order offline since I am on bedrest but everywhere I look online I cannot find anything decently priced (under $30) that is a 38DD which is what my size is now. Everything seems to be in the Single Letters. So I was wondering if I could just skip to a 38E instead and how much bigger would that be? Since I know I will be larger when I am nursing.

How much weight do YOU think i should lose?

You actually sound like your at a very good weight right now! :) But, If you want to check out your BMI to see what weight you should be at you can go to a href="" rel="nofollow" At that height I think a healthy weight is anywhere between 130-150.

My boobs are...droopy?

embarassing. I'm 16, i wear a C, but without a bra, i just look saggy. my nipples are like way far down. Any way to fix that?

Wat do u think of my plan.?

You might wanna try for something with a wire and little padding. Padding gives little support. You might wanna try going to a Hanes store and getting fitted. Make sure too that Your straps are tight enough. If they are to lose it could make them bounce more.

What's the best way to fire somebody without hurting their feelings?

I don't know, but if you're looking for another band member, my accordion version of "You've Got Another Thing Comin'" has brought down the house at a Bar Mitzvah or two. Call me.

Why are Capricorns so boring and critical of everyone but themselves?

Hehe sounds like you don't like Earth signs. me too. But i haven't experienced what you've described, I've just found Capricorns to care about making it in the world and not really about people, that's what I hate about them.

A stitch came out a day early?

I got stitches in my hand about 9 days ago and I am suppose to get them out tomorrow but it was itchy so of course, I itched it... Now one of the stitches came out with the scab and its oozing clear liquid and there is a little blood... what do i do?

Tonsil/ infection issue!!!?

Tonsillitis/ infection help? I have had multiple sinus infections lately which keep getting passed between me and my two year old son. The drs always tell me its virul until it gets so bad I have to go back for antibiotics finally I had a sinus infection recently that got so bad before they believed it was an infection. The antibiotics seemed to help but my tonsils started playing up whilst on them and my son caught tonsillitis. Not long after finishing the antibiotics I came down with tonsillitis and had a severe case of body inflammation which left my legs dead arms numb and pins/ needles, my skin burning and agony in every joint and muscles and could barely move I went to the Dr but he refused more antibiotics even though the last lot obviously failed and told me he had no idea why my body got so inflamed but was worse for the infections I had been . He refused antibiotics and gave me naproxen and told Mr to wait two weeks to see if it clears up but now my tonsils are huge, oozing pus and I'm producing my tonsils are huge, oozing pus and I'm producing orange mucus... Should I go back? I feel they wil get annoyed o if I do. Do they sound incompetent?

Do I have Bipolar Disorder?

I think your symptoms could be described as mild depression as well as bipolar II. Your depression does not seem to last long which is why I call it mild depression, nor do you describe apathy or death wishes. Bipolar IIs can return to baseline, though with a certain joie de vivre, elatetedness, even if it never reaches delusions and hallutinations. The best thing to do is observe your self. Observe your highs and lows, observe what you feel, how you act during your highs and lows, note down how often they happen.Then take your notes to a psychiatrist!

Does this heighten my chances of becoming pregnant?

My cycle has gotten shorter. It's now 17-19 days, and my period lasts 6-7 days. Does this mean that now it could be easier for me to try and get pregnant?

Does being a twin heighten the chance of giving birth to twins?

I have a twin brother, my mum has twin sisters. What's the likelihood that i will give birth to twins?

Will I get in trouble at camp? or teased?

Try talking to her again, explain that if not a bra, then at least a sports bra just to hold the girls up. If all fails, see if you can talk to one of your friends and borrow theirs for a while till your back.

Are men the true victims of rape here? Since we are forced against our will to make love to women? It's a well?

It's a well documented fact that men cannot control ourselves beyond a certain point. Scientists call this the "point of no return." Once men reach this state of heightened arousal, it is impossible to turn back. If women didn't corner us with their revealing clothing or come rape me facial expressions, we would easily resist. But as it stands right now, it is just too difficult to stop. 8/10 men agree.

Airport metal detector?

Ok,so on the site it said that underwire bras can set off the metal detectors. I'm pretty sure my bra has an underwire. I'm kind of sarcastic, so if it does keep setting it off I would probably tell them. But it would be embarrassing.... How to keep it from setting it off?

CAIR is upset that a security drill at an airport featured a Middle Eastern man. Does this make sense to you?

When it's a drill, does it really matter? Unless you're specifically trying to teach that Middle Eastern people (not all of whom, by the way, are Muslim or terrorists) are the only people to look for.

Older dog has a lump on her eyeball that is oozing yellow/greenish stuff?

I have an older dog, 18 year old Blue Heeler, and she's had yellow/greenish stuff on and around one of her eyes for a few days. We've been cleaning it off 6/7times a day, but she wouldn't open her eye until today. When we clean it she snaps and bites at us as if it's hurting her, which she has never done before. Once she opened her eye we noticed a large white lump on her eyeball that the yellow/greenish stuff seems to be oozing from. The stuff oozing out seems kind of like pus. Does anyone have suggestions as to what it may be? I know I should probably take her to the vet, but she has other problems like, difficulty getting up, standing and walking, her back legs just don't support her anymore. I'm just afraid of the worst case scenario if I take her to the vet.

Does this heighten my chance of pregnancy?

I'm planning on having another child. My cycle recently switched up all of a sudden and now I'm on a 17-20 day cycle & my period is 6-7 days long. Will this make it easier for conception on me?

Is this funny enough for you to continue reading?

I am a quite sensitive reader. To me this wasn't really"FUNNY", as in comedy, but it was a good story. Nicely written! Good Job!

HELP!! i think my my hamster is dying...please help?

So i have this 2 years old teddy bear hamster..for the past week or so it developed what i believe to be an eye infection..because there were like weird pus stuff oozing out and last night i decided to clean it..and got some eye cleaner.. Bausch and Lomb soothing eye wash..and this morning..i find my hamster barely breathing..what can i do?

How can i get this pus out of my pierced ear?

Keep Cleaning it. I recommend using neosporin on it and avoid using anything containing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide as this will dry out the piercing and cause even more irritation. I would also keep the cleaning down to around 2 times a day because 3 could cause irritation. Also, don't touch the earring or move it around only when cleaning it.

Is there a possible way to combine certain vitamins or minerals to create a drug that heightens the senses?

I'm aware of some vitamins or minerals that help but is there a way that would super charge them enough to have an immediate effect like a drug? Assuming it would only be temporary and also assuming it wouldn't cause major health problems. Just wondering if its in anyway possible? Best Answer WILL BE GIVEN IF IT DESERVES IT! :)

Is my piercing irritated or infected?

I pierced my ear the other day, on the lobe where it starts to turn to cartilage. I did it myself, with a professional needle and sterilized it good (I've done the other two piercings on my lobes myself, and have had absolutely no problems. My sister got her's done professionally, and they both got infected). But now the piercing is a little swollen and a little red, and it hurts when I touch it. Its not oozing anything and its not warm to the touch, and the swelling and redness aren't that extreme. Also, I have been cleansing it 3 times a day with piercing cleanser my sister got at Claires when she got her piercings. Is it just irritated, or infected?

Navel ring piercing bleeding! help please?

so i had my piercing done about 2 months ago and recently my shirt tugged on it quite a bit, it was in ALOT of pain and all of a sudden it started oozing a little bit more and my hole stretched a little bit, and this morning i woke up i had blood around my hole and was still bleeding but i cleaned it up! I've been cleaning it RELIGIOUSLY with H2Ocean but today i will go buy sea salt to soak it too! do you all know if its infected or what? will it heal back up in time?? im a little scared so someone please help me with answers! btw its not in pain anymore, that went away in a couple of days! now its just bleeding and oozing a bit but not oozing as much as it was a couple of days ago!

I need a bra?!?! please help me?

im 13 and my mom thinks a cami is the same as a bras which it sorta is but im the only girl in my grade tht doesnt wear a bra. its really embaressing. im like a 36a wen i go to my frends house i wear her bras if i can keep it away from herr family and they fit good i dont just need a training bra i need a padded bra is there any way i can show my mom i need 1 i hav tried to tell her but she just says im flat.

Infections in a belly button piercing?

some times the gunk is a natural part of healing try not to touch it or play with it too much and be sure to keep your hands clean before and after you touch it or clean it. one way to tell its healing is if its itchy thicker skin some times takes a little longer to heal.

Which sign is the most romantic - male wise?

You just said everything I want a woman to say. I dunno if all Taureans are like me but there is nothing more I'd rather do than cuddle on the couch all day and ignore the outside world. I wanna love hard and expect the same in return. Lots of cuddling and kissing! Oddly enough your Moon and Venus are compatible with mine. Honestly hope I meet someone like you some day.

My son has a 10 gallon tank with glowfish and danios and neon tetras but it stays so cloudy that it is unreal?

ive tried daily partial water changes, vacuuming the gravel the ammonia level and ph are perfect and the nitrate level is ok...and it seems like some sort of ooze grow over night...does anyone have any ideas...and what is that stuff that looks like a clear kind of ooze that is coating everything, i have oscars and cichlids and my tank does not have this problem...thank you for any help that u may be able to offer...

Pilonidal cyst? Really hurts!?

So I went to the ER yesterday w/ a fever of 103.5 and it was cause by strep throat but I thought it could be from the pilonidal cyst Ive had since I was 8 & Im almost 20 now. So I had the doctor check it out and he said it looked fine, not infected or anything, but ever since he pushed on it to check for oozing n drainage it is SUPER sore, cant even sit and its throbbing so much :( I have vicodin for the pain but thats barely cutting it. It is swollen now too, do you think it needs to be drained or something now? Ive tried squeezing it but nothing. Its all bruised now too. Do you think maybe the doctor just pressed too hard? It hurts so bad. Help!

How would i make sure that my pigeon eggs hatch successfully?

Doing what your doing now will not work sadly. What you need is to get a heating pad or a heating lamp. For a heating pad, you need to make a makeshift nest and place the egg so it is facing up. Turn the heating pad on LOW. You must turn the egg every hour. Also the yolk coming out means it is dead. The incubation of the egg is 14 - 18 days. Now for a heating lamp, get something similar to like a small can and make a makeshift nest. Don't put the lamp really close just enough so the egg is warm. You will have to check the temperature for the first 10 minutes to be sure it doesn't boil or overheat. Good luck!

Should I join the U.S. Military?

I would think that a parent's reason for not wanting their child to enlist in the military now, especially active duty, is because you'll most likely get deployed if we are still at war when you enlist and that is a scary thought for any parent. I know because I have familiy members that have been deployed and we worried daily about their safety. Some things to think about are whether or not you want to join as an enlisted soldier, or go to college first and attend OCS if you qualify so that you can enter as an officer. I would suggest going to college and getting your finance degree (if that's what you want) and if you still want to enlist in the military then you can find out what you need to do at that time. You sound like a very determined young man and whatever you decide to do, it sounds like you will be successful! Good luck!

Is my ear piercing ok?

You need to let your piercings heal and stop irritatin them! Just use antibacterial soap and oitnment on them until you see a change but stop taking them off and putting them back on, wait till they heal to change them because your only causing irritation!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Recurring Suicidal Thoughts?

Hey, i have manic depression as well as ocd,im a degree student studying music (i'm a professional musician) and lately i've been having suicidal thoughts again as a result of prolonged low moods and heightened anxiety as well as frequent debilitating panic attacks, any advice or suggestions?

I think I have premature ejaculation or something?

Okay, so i'm 16 and my girlfriend and i are sexually active. We have had sex quite a lot, which is why i'm a bit worried. I still come within like a minute the first time we have sex in a day. But then we wait like 15-20 minutes and go again, and i can last for like 20 minutes. When we first had sex, and i came that fast i thought it was just because it was the first time, and that after that time, i would get used to it and be able to last longer. But i'm still having this problem and its really annoying. Also, i'm not circumcised and i've heard that if you aren't, you have more nerve endings so you are more sexually heightened or something? Is it just because i'm young? Or can i do something to fix this? Please help

What do you think of this scene?

It was actually good in a not totally overbearingly romantic way it just sounded a bit rushed. Hope this helps:)

How many of you (females) have noticeably different breast sizes?

I know that most females have uneven breasts, but in my case, it is noticeable (when I'm not wearing a bra that is). My right breast is about 1/2 and inch bigger than the other....doesn't sound like a big difference but is very noticeable and makes it very difficult to shop for bras.

Do adult sex dating sites heighten the risk of HIV infection?

I've just turned 18,I was just wondering after seeing all these pop ups of sites like 'adult friend finder' sites like that make you likely to catching STI's like Hiv? are there any reports on this anywhere? Thanks.

This Is Kind Of A Weird Question But...?

What is Dianna Agron's bra size? I want to be the same bra size as her.

How can i make my boobs bigger without surgery?

please don't say push up bras i mean make my boob bigger not just make it look bigger. i heard you can take certain herbs but is there anything else besides that?

Do you think that I should ask her out her?

Why not? Ask her out. I feel like she could be some sort of player/slut though. Sorry. Cause if um, my roommate's ex came in and forcefully started to make out with me, when I come back to my roommate, I wouldn't lie and say I went to get a snack. I would've been outraged and if I liked my roommate, I wouldn't wanna hurt her. I'd wanna let her know I'm not into her ex. Sooo ask her out but just be careful ya know?

Breast size for teenagers?

You should be about a B or C cup I'm not sure on the number for you but try finding a 32 or smaller if you can

Cyst or something like it.?

Ok, so earlier in the week I woke up one noting and relized my tailbone kinda hurt. Didn't think anything of it till the otherday it was still sore when hangingout with friends and kinda bothered me when I sat and eventually seen that it turned into a growth. Got on Google and looked up it up and came up with a Pilonidal Cyst. But mine doesn't really look like the ones in the pick and so I read on and decided to pop it at the white head and when I popped it the skin got red and irritated. Mine is just kinda like a big sore swollen pimple above my butt. I read on but could not find anything on treatment to heal it myself. To save money, I'm pretty tight on that right now. When it was popped it smelled ungodly bad. But now after day two prior to popping it, it doesn't smell and the puss is a light snot color and not dark greenish anymore and doesn't smell. Also doesn't ooze nearly as much or easy. Really only oozes if you force it too with pressure. What is there to do about the swelling? Any suggestions? I was told if I put anti-biotic ointment on it, that should help. Is that ok?

Would you consider this a sin if I tried this?

You have to admit that there are people in the world who are extremely intuitive. (eg. Psych Twins Linda and Terry) I'm not claiming to be psychic or anything but I do have this ability to read people (their body language, their mood, and other simple things). Most of the time I am right. Anyways, as a career I'm thinking of becoming a clinical psychologist. I really wanted to buy/read the Psychic Twin's book: Psychic Intelligence. I don't want to be a healer or anything or tell people's futures. I just want to heighten my intuition a little. This has nothing to do with my question but is it also a sin to believe in past lives? Thanks! - Allie.

Question about tongue ring?

the tip of my tongue is very red and has lots of bumps on the tip of my tong it dont hurt or nothing oozing but the tip of my tongue is red there nothign oozing out of the peircing

Am i close to gettign my period yet?

ok so i was jus wondering if i am close, im 13 years old. i have a 30A cup size for my bra..i know small :\ i also have some hair in my armpits and down there. I get a lot of discharge, ALOT like everyday and i can fell it coming out sometimes :o its clear or white sometime light yellow. i get headaches sometime, cramps, and lower back pains sometimes. so how close am i to my period ?? like how much time is left ??

I am super self conscious.?

My boobs are "big" but not huge. Im really self conscious about their size and shape. I really want implants but I dont want to be seen as fake or "whorish". As i said before I am extremely self conscious about them to the point it is ruining my sex life because I feel like guys are judging them. I also feel like the arent nearly up to par in size like my size is portrayed...I feel like I dont even look like a B cup (im much bigger than this) without a bra on. What do i do, do i go for the implants or have keep my breasts and stay miserable?

Anxiety, Lexapro, Scared?

I was on Lexapro and Welbutrin for 4 years, and just a few weeks ago finally stopped taking Lexapro. I slowly took lower and lower doses of Lexapro over the years until I got down to just taking half a pill, then completely stopped. While I'm still on the Welbutrin, I still feel extreme anxiety which has been heightened since I completely got off of Lexapro. I constantly feel scared, keep thinking about death and worrying that I will die soon, not feeling a part of my own life and distant from my loved ones, randomly thinking angry but irrational thoughts, heart constantly pounding and experiencing constant butterflies. I’m also very afraid of being left alone. I worry that I will feel this way forever. I don't know if it's Lexapro withdrawals or simply my depression and anxiety coming back after years of them being under control. I got off of Lexapro to stop feeling numb, but now I am hypersensitive to EVERYTHING. Everything is so overwhelming, and I don't know how to deal with it. I desperately need help, I keep wanting to talk to someone about it but have not found anybody. I feel like the people around me don't understand, and when I tell them about it I feel I'm either being annoying or frightening them. I worry I'll never feel "normal" again, and will always be distant and sad. I go through random waves of sadness where it's almost impossible not to cry. Nothing bad has happened, nothing to trigger any of this. There are actually many good things happening in my life and I want to be happy and grateful, but mentally I am extremely unstable. I don't want to live a life as a frightened yet zombie-like version of me. Someone please help!!!!

My question is how do I stop my nipple eczema (if thats what I have) from oozing discharge?

I would recommend trying natural treatment. I used serenaskin eczema remedies and they cleared my skin in just one week or so. I have not had such a remarkable results with steroid medications.

Another "could I possibly be pregnant" ?

Ok, so here is my situation. My last period was on March 25 and I have a 31 day cycle. I have not gotten my period. This past week I have been feeling very nauseous and my husband noticed I was having a heightened sense of smell (I never made much of it, until he mentioned it). So I took two pregnancy test and got a negative on what could be going on? Has this happened to anyone? Thanks

The guy I'm with doesn't make much semen?

Has he had a vasectomy? Because this may very well affect his ejaculation. If not, he should see a doctor.

What the differences?

girls can wear bathing suits in front of ever one but its bad if girls go with there bra and panties Isnt Kinda The Same thing

Opinion and ideas on my book!?

And then they go to Italy to defeat the evil ones who want to destroy humans rather than coexist with them and... wait, you said angels not vampires. That changes everything.

Self esteem, depression, breast, friend Issues. 10 points.?

Each and everyone of us is unique no two are alike. You were made by the same artist who made the stars, the moon, the mountains and the oceans, and you wanna file a complaint against the artist? I don't think so, each of us is PERFECT.

What on earth does this mean (Sleep Problems)?

I randomly woke up this morning at 4 a.m. My eyes were tired but my body was wide awake. Each time i tried to sleep, i experienced a sickening sensation where every sense heightened (especially hearing) and the feeling it created was equivalent to that of fear, or that feeling you get when you go down a really high roller coaster hill. It took several tries to get to sleep because this would happen every time i almost got to sleep. I slept for about three hours after that and feel i have not rested at all. What on earth does this mean?

Am I pregnant or not....this is so frustrating!?

Had unprotected sex and he said he would pull out but he may have started to *** in me. 7 days later I had a slight bit of light bleeding for a hour hours. My breasts swelled a week later but didnt hurt too bad. I have had cramping for almost a week and a half now. I have had a heightened sense of smell, and half of the things I smell make me want to be sick. I have been nauseous on and off. I am now 9 days late on my period. I have taken 2 pregnancy tests and they were both negative. I didn't not take them first thing when I woke up though. Could I be pregnant?

What is "orgasm"? Please explain...?

For I am a terminator.. I do not know. Is it the same as applying Nutella to my neurological sensors? I measured my heightened sense of pleasure once I applied nutella to my sensors and compared it to that of an orgasm experienced by my sexy mexican housemaid. They seem to be equally matched sensations. Would it suffice to say that Nutella=orgasmic ruptures?

Does this make sense?

tt does - and is too dense a compound sentense for the reader to absorb without effort. So you may make it enyoyable to absorb by breaking it down into 2 sentences. They do not have to be of equal length and 1 might present your main points with a more briefer 1 to support them as it`s too hard to recall compound sentences usually. And again, it makes sense, and shold be turned into good reading.Paricularly as the focus is UPON good journalism.

Getting a tan while raining ?

i went running this morning and it was about i would say de70-80 degrees out while i was running. there was no sun outside. it was cloudy and rainy but however when i got in the house and got undressed i saw a tan line from my bra and it was a big color difference . any answers on how this was possible ?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is this a normal eye infection that'll clear up on its own?

You can try polysporin eye and ear drops that you can buy in a drugstore. 2-3 drops 3 times a day for 5 days. If it doesn't clear up, take him to the vet.

Computer safety for kid.?

I have a CD back up for computer protection (website filtering for kid safety. A friend of mine needs it right away. Can she use it on her computer? I bought a program. A backup CD came with it. Anyway, her kid is being steered in the wrong direction (I know she just needs to watch his computer activity but she was there when he typed in the website and it was very inappropriate) She has several (kids) and just needs heightened filtering on one particular computer. I'm not sure what my backup is for exactly, since I downloaded the program directly. I wanted to know if I could let her use the cd. It's only good for a year I think, and hopefully by then she can afford to to something further on her own. thanx

Most underrated wrestling match of all time?

The Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle, Ironman Match on SmackDown! ins September of 2003, for the WWE Title. Its one of the greatest matches Ive ever seen, and a week after the match happened, you never hear anyone acknowledge it again. O.o

My right breast hurts a lot?

It's been hurting for a couple of days like 3-4 days. I don't have my period and I already got it this month of June. I thought it was my bra being too tight so I got a different bra and loosen it up. I started massaging it yesterday when I was in the shower. It doesn't hurt that much now but it still hurts sometimes. I've asked my mom about it but she ignored it and I will ask her again today when she comes back from work. It's around the bottom and near the side closest to my arm.

Do you think i can sue a guy who film in a minor even tough he is a minor?

im sorry to say this but rather or not it felt good you shouldnt have let him touch you in those appropriate ways anyway. your only 13 (and so am i) and thats not cool. You should really tell the police because your to young and if you ask me thats rape. But i understand you dont because your boyfriend will be pissed, your mom will too, & your dad will make you move. But all of that doesnt matter you should still tell the police. And if you dont tell anyone it will come out of the dark eventually. Like they always say (Whats done in the dark comes to the light) so everyone will eventually find out. So you should go tell now before it gets too late because if you wait too late they will be even more mad and you will be in even more trouble so go ahead and tell NOW!

Is this true????????

ok so ive heard if you squeeze your breast with 2 fingers and u feel a lump thats kinda sensitive you need an underwire bra. cuz if its true i needed 1 4 a while. is it????????

I think I have slightly heightened senses.?

I just know when a person is behind me, I can feel it. But all that other stuff.. meh..the hearing sorta, if i want to hear it :D, i cant slow things down nor do that freaky forehead action.

How can I become a Professional Ballerina?

Work hard and get pointe shoes.I'm 10 and I lOve dance. I do all kinds .I'm advanced and have done this for 8 years now.keep trying to get pointe shoes I have them they make you a pro ballerina

Is there reallly a such thing aas being "big boneed"?

I am 5'5 and 160lbs. I wear a size 8/10 and 38D bra. I do not look like i weigh 160lbs, I could go for 135 or 140. I see other people who weigh less then me that look bigger then me.

Are there any websites that have bras in the size 36H with cute patterns?

I am 15 years old and am a 36H. All my friends are an A or a B cup and have really cute bras. Like with star patterns or animals or fruit. But I can't find any bras in my size that have patterns. They are all pretty much tan. white, and black. They all look too adult. I want to wear bras with patterns like my friends. I went to Nordstrom yesterday but I couldn't find anything with patterns. Are there any websites I can order off of that have what I'm looking for? Thank you so much for reading this I look forward to reading the answers.

I need suggestions or answers from Jehovah's Witnesses?

Wow, reading that actually made me tear up a bit. You seem like you're honestly in love with this woman and I have to commend you for respecting her and not going after her because of a silly crush. She has the right to separate from him if he is beating her. The only thing you could do is to help her in any way you can without getting too involved in case her husband sees your interference and reacts accordingly. Have you tried talking to her? At any rate, you could pray for her and learn more about her beliefs in case she eventually has the grounds for divorce. I say this because we follow the advice in the Bible to "marry only in the Lord". So, if you're not at least studying the Bible and making an effort to learn more, she most likely won't be interested. However, I'm not saying to do this just because you love this woman. Anyway, I sincerely hope this works out for the both of you.

Belly button piercing problem! help please!!!!!?

Oh my! I would HIGHLY recommend you go see your piercer,even if the piercing doesn't seem to be infected it could be. Also, with the injury your belly button ring is more likely to migrate out, not good. Your piercer should have no problem helping you but if necessary PLEASE, go to a doctor. Better safe than sorry! :) Sorry if I wasn't much help :(

Cute Teen haircut ideas?

ok my hair is long like under bra length, very thick and i used to have a full fringe but i pushed it to the side so i have a very slight side part that has a shorter layer. I want to keep the length and not too dye it but whenever i change my side part to more dramatic some of my hair wants to go back to a full fringe. HELP

My 4yr old son has 3 staples in his head from a pool injury. Is it normal for puss to ooze out of wound?

I've kept it clean and dry but when i picked him up from daycare today it was matted and yellow. I brought him home and put him straight in the bath. I tried washing his hair with baby soap and blotting to clean it. It just keeps oozing yellow puss and some blood. And of course he says it hurts. I put a little peroxide on it but i'm still worried.

It seems like men have gotten a lot more comfortable when it comes to women's "unmentionables " Do you think?

its a good thing or bad that men are much more at ease handling and having fun with lacy bras and undies ?

Exposure to pornography before going out; will the relation of natural pheromone production attract men?

I majored in Biology & they've never proven a true pheromone system in humans. Men pick up on unconscious fertility cues that occur around the time of ovulation in women like your voice raises slightly & you're less turned off by chemicals found in men's sweat around the time you're fertile but sex chemicals released due to watching porn? - I don't think so. It's more likely to make you aroused before going out & as such you might be more likely to seek out male attention which could come across as desperate.

I'm a teen and my breasts are saggy?

I'm 15, I have really small boobs, to the point where I don't need a bra because they are that tiny, but they are saggy. I hear that teens are supposed to be round, full, and perky but mine are flabby and small. Sorry to get so detailed... Is this normal?

Am I being used by my Maid/ Home-maker or am I missing her invitation ?

You are probably being used and now that you've told her you're falling for her, she's freakin out because she wasn't expecting it..

Are these signs of pregnancy or is this all n my head? TTC SO HELP PLEASE?

I am ttc #1 i found out a year after stopping bc pills that I ***** ovulate on my own so my dr reccomended we try clomid.this was my 1st cycle of it and I got a positive opk and had sex each day I had a positive now I am trying to figure out if im pregnant! It is too early to test but ive had tons of symptons: headache nausea w/out actually vomiting, sore back, changes in appetite hotflashes shooting pains n my lower stomach and a heightened sense of smell.i cant test until tuesday and thats with a five day early kit so im jus wondering can I really be pregnant or is my mind playin a trick on me cuz I want it sobad? Advice plz! Anyone whos been or is pregnant did u experience any of these symptoms? Thanks 4answers n the meantime ill b prayin for a positive on tuesday!!!! :)

Is it normal for one breast to be leaking and not the other?

I'm almost 30 weeks. My left breast is starting to leak colustrum so much I'll need bra pads soon, but my right is hardly doing anything! Also, is it normal to be getting this so soon? Most woman I've talked to didn't have anything until after giving birth.

Is it a good idea to take a vacation to New York?

You know, Osama Bin Laden has just been killed... I was planning a trip to New York but I'm not sure now because of the heightened security. What do you think?

When is national no bra day?

My cousin posted on facebook that July 9th is national "no bra day". I wanted to know if it was true

I have a bump in the upper part of my ear?and it hurts!?

i have this huge lump/bump in my ear. not in the regular hole like he hole above it.. like by my cartilage i dont know what to call it lol. it oozes and bleeds at random times. it gives me alllllloooooooot of pain. im going to the doctor for a checkup on the 20th but it really hurts right now and i wnna know what to do! please! we have been putting some neosporin on it and it feels better for like a second and i get pain again.

Do guys like dirty pics?

So i know this kid and we've hung out before..but we've never done anything sexual yet. We always text reaaaally flirty and dirty and whatnot. Is it a turn on for me to send a pic of myself in bra and panties? or is that too slutty.,,?

Poison ivy blisters????help?

i've had poison ivy for a couple of days. Now i have these blisters.When they ooze, will they spread more of the pison ivy? and when they ooze, how should i treat it? bst answer 5 points!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Will i get my period soon?

I BARELY have started to develop breasts.... like a have to wear a training bra with a little padding or it looks bad. i dont have like discharge or anything and i havent gotten any hair, do you think illl get in soon ? (Like in the next year?)

Is my bra size normal?

yea, that was my size when i was 15. there is no such thing as a size that is not 'normal'; everyone is unique.

I am so beyond controlling and jealous.?

I think it's kinda sweet :p but stop worrying. Think about relaxing things whenever you get upset. Before getting mad at her next time count to 20 before saying something. Calm down & tell her how you feel(: she'll probably understand. Ask her to spend a little more time with you. You could also hang out with your friends when she hangs with hers. That'll help you stop worrying & you'll get some time to cool off(: try these things & see if they work!!

Whats the best pregnacy tests to use.?

Well... you didn't say what the results of your tests were. Were they negative? If they were negative you're most likely not pregnant since a blood test done 2 months after your last period has no reason to show an incorrect result. You could have PMS or your symptoms could be the cause of other things. Good luck.

Can I sue this organization for emotional distress?

I've been getting harrassed by staff at a retail store near me for about a year now...and nothing has been done to correct their behavior. I've been getting verbally assulted, purposely underserviced and i've heard staff make physical threats about me to each other under their breath. I've been working with the upper level management for some time now in an effort to resolve the situation...but they have not fired or repremanded any employess yet. Can I sue them for emotional distress..i've been having nightmares, stomach cramps, heightened levels of general anxiety and bouts of depression from the abuse. What can I due legally towards them? What retributions can be handed out? What monetary (if any) damages can be paid towards me? How hard is it to find an attorney to work on a case like this "Pro Bono"?

Sore breasts? (Plan B and period..?)?

I had my last period on June 5. I had unprotected sex like a week after it started, maybe 3 days after it ended, give or take. We used the pull-out method and he didn't come inside me, but I took Plan B ,about 70 hours afterwards just to be sure. Sex on Sunday, Plan B on Tuesday, and then I started bleeding on the next Sunday. The bleeding lasted for about 3 days, and it was heavy enough for me to use at least one tampon during the day. I know Plan B can cause bleeding, but I didn't know whether or not this would be considered my period. Yesterday, my breasts started getting sore. They aren't so sore that it hurts to wear a bra or tight shirt, but they hurt when I touch them and when I go up and down the stairs. I noticed a week before my last period that my breasts were sore, but this isn't something that started happening until last month. Or if it happened before that, I didn't notice. Should I be expecting my period on July 3 like I normally would? Or is this something to worry about?

When will my brands i got at a party stop oozing and bistering?

when i wasnt looking my friends branded me twice on the forearm. this happened last night... when will the oozing and blistering stop??? and what will it look like healed?? the brands were peace signs but they dont look like peace signs on my arm now!!!!!!

Why Are My Breasts Sore?

My breasts have been so sore for the past few days and I have no idea why. When I was 13 my breasts felt like this when they grew, but they haven't grown for a year or so, so I thought they were done? I started birth control for heavy periods a few months ago, but it hasn't made me sore before. I've been exercising more, recently, but I was wearing a sports bra. Could it still be from that?

Which color do you like the best of this bra?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Easy Question: How many bras do you have? FORGIRLSONLY*?

Just padded bras.. not sports :) weird question, but yeah. and how many underwear (bad grammer ik) do you have? i feel like i need more. ps where do you get them?

I have a large pimple-looking "thing" on my reproductive organ?

Dude, it's a pimple. Yes, they do ooze out pus quite often, just depends on the type of pimple. Could also be a bug is summer and those things have a way of finding their way to the underwear area frequently...Man I probably have 5 bug bites (probably mosquitoes) in that area and always wear long pants except in bed. If your a virgin forget about STD's etc. Your okay

Is it a bad thing to intentionaly bite your lip open to taste blood?

I have an iron deficiency and I take iron pills to heighten the levels or iron in my blood but occasionally I bite my lip open on purpose just to taste the this normal?

Criticly rate my 5th gen pokemon team?

Your pokemon team is perfect. Apart from the fact that you got Thundurus on your team. Yes, he is annoying but he isn't good at all & the moves he learnt have low pp & low accuracy. Thunder is good but remove focus blast. Put something like Ariel ace there. My opinion, don't use legendaries at all. It just ruins a good old classic pokemon battle. If i were to replace Thundurus with a pokemon, I'd replace it with hydreigon. He's a good multi pokemon (good in att, def, speed, sp att and so on). But Thats just my opinion. You don't have/need to take my advice at all. Hope this helped :)

I got branded at a party last night... how do i hide and heal it!!?

they are 2 piece signs bigger than a 50 cent piece and they are blistering and oozing water like stuff!!~~ D: how do i heal and whats a fashionable way to hide them??? im hippie bohemian style..

Is atheism the new genetic step forward?

Its not genetic...but it is the next societal step, and about time too. Its not like China got destroyed so time to catch the hell up.

Vagina Constantly Feels Wet like inside like discharge wants to ooze out?

I am 9 weeks 5 days pregnant but may be miscarrying. But since I found out I was pregnant Ive had brown discharge every once in awhile just like mucusy boogers && My vagina all day every day constantly feels moist & wet down there & feel like discharge or something wants to ooze out.. I didnt have this problem before.. What could be the cause?

Pregnancy symptoms? please tell me what you think?

Implantation/pregnancy doesn't occur until between 5 and 10 days after ovulation. The symptoms you have would imply pregnancy, however far too early, test in 8 days time to be sure.

What do you call the vein in your neck? the one that gorges blood out if you was to slice it like sweeney todd?

Carotid artery. only arteries "spurt" blood when cut. Veins tend to bleed a lot but the real squirters are the arteries since they are closest to the heart

Gee, why isn't the media telling you much about this?

In the US the Jewish-controlled media does not want this getting out. There will be another blow-out of hostilities soon.

Should I do a little emo hair for school?

if ur school allows then do it dear, my school doesn't allow me and i want. plz do emo, i wanna se them more & more popular.

What heightens your metabolism?

i am just guessing here, but i don't think you can make your metabolism higher. i am pretty sure that is genetic and that you are born with a high or low metabolism. if you want to loose weight just replace unhealthy snacks with healthy ones, and remember not to starve yourself. instead of having a usual bowl of ice cream have a yogurt or apple instead. What i do to keep in shape are sit-ups, bicycles, and crunches. i try to do 100 of each a night, but you can start smaller like a few sets of 10 for each.

My dear people cause of the damage can make to earth?

dunno why this is in the r&s section, but the animal that kills more people every year than any other is the common muslim fundamentalist.

Was religion initially a social order that survived to the present day?

Obviously the police force and the modern judiciary government didn't exist back then. So my question is did ancient mystical people make stuff up to keep social order? Was religion a primitive judiciary system that also heightened their egos? (After all, the bible says the earth is flat and that it's the center of the universe not to mention the fact of an eternal afterlife i.e. heaven)

I had a weird dream...?

I want to ponder this dream a bit. I'm going to mark it interesting. If It's ok for me to have your email address can you write me at ? My name is Brenda. I have questions I would like to ask you. This dream is really interesting but I can't be sure of my interpritation without talking to you. I know that you on Jude are both in the middle of a very important part of your life. Parts of it are scary but you feel safer when he is there. You are gathering life information that is helping you maybe understand some confusing things your Mother did. The bridge is a decision that you will have to make alone. I don't want you to answer on here. I am wondering if you have battled a drug addiction in the past? There are things I would like to ask you. I don't want to interprit this wrong. Whenever you remember a dream when you normally don't it is always a message from your subconscience to yourself.

Don't know how to explain this im feeling like im pregnant?

Pregnancy symptoms vary greatly from person to person. The best way to tell is take a home pregnancy test or make a visit to see your Dr. If you can't afford a home test or are unable to make it to the dr at this point, look for a Crisis Pregnancy Center or Planned Parenthood in your area. They offer free pregnancy testing and its more than 99% reliable.

I'm pretty flat, should I wear a bra?

Right now I wear a cami with a built in bra, but i feel like i should be wearing a bra just because I'm 14 and it doesn't seem right.. But how big should your boobs be to wear a bra? because my mum has never said anything about it thanks

Necrotic ooze question?

if i have 2 cards in my graveyard that have a tap ability and i tap my necrotic ooze do they both go off.

How to get rid of poison ivy REALLY fast?

alright so im allergic to poison ivy and i went out biking yesterday. didnt touch any plants and came back home feeling fine. but i woke up this morning and the entire left side of my face is puffy, turning red and itches! i know its poison ivy because ive had it like this before, but it took almost 5 days to go away! when i realized what it was it was already oozing, but that was last year and this morning it was only starting to puff up and turn red. the bummer: i have summer party tonight at 4 and a graduation party tomorrow! HEEEELLLPPPPPP MMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Why is my sunburn doing this?

i got sunburnt 2 days ago from swimming in the pool without a shirt and later i realized i got really burnt. first it turned really red and the next day it started to blister on the shoulders and ooze and little bits of skin started to peel. i put aloe on it and did everything i could. today, its really red and itchy as crap. when do you think it will go away? or atleast how long do u think it will itch before it stops?

Im really scared please help me! Is my lobe infected?

5 years ago i had my ears pierced and they got infected not i got them pierced again. It has been 6 weeks. I changed my earrings, the first time i had no problem. At night I had to change back into my studs so I took out my earring, But i couldnt find the back of the hole!! So I wiggled my earring back and forth for at least 10 minutes and my lobe started getting irritated so I had to put it in backwards (which worked). While I was trying to get my earring in it was oozing a clear liquid as well as some blood (i think)( i was too panicked to notice) and now im reallly scared!!! Will it get infected again? Now my ear lobe feels hot. Im scared please help me!!!

Is a 32B too big or to little for a 12-13 year old girl ?

heeey ! weree the same bra sizee & agee :D hahaaa ; iguess its jusst normal ? o.O ithought the same thingg

Green slime oozing from my walls tastes bitter and made me sick?

last week i discovered green slime oozing through my walls. so naturally i tasted it and now don't feel good what do i do and what was it?

I'm in between a 34A and 34AA, what do I get?

I don't know which bra size to get. I got measured at VS and they said I would be a 30-32AA there but they don't carry that. When I try on bras in other sizes I'm a 34. When I tried on a A cup it was too big but my AA bras are too small. The only bra that seemed to fit me was a Self Expressions Bra size 34. It just says 34, do you know what size that is?

Is this funny enough for you to continue reading?

I like it. I suggest you to post it. Don't worry. Many people will give you good advice. Just have a try.

I need a funny comeback?

My friend insulted the shirt I'm wearing in my facebook picture, but yet she's a size D cup and is wearing a bra in her picture, but I can't think of a good comeback. Any suggestions?

I am currently having a natural miscarriage and hv been passing alot of clots/tissue?

I have been in this state now for 4 days with the passing of clots and TONS of bright red blood....heres the weird thing i work 2nd shift n ive only been experincing these symptoms while working....i.e. Light bleeding at home n at work every 10 mins i hv to use the bathroom cuz i can feel the oozing n thats when ill pass the tissue/ my question isis this normal n how long many days will i keep passing these clots? Sounds gross but ive passed 17 liver looking pieces in 4 days....i was only 6 weeks when i started miscarrying....plz n e help!

So theres this guy.....?

So theres this guy, he is SUPER cute, and funny and nice, i talk to him alot and I have A HUGE CRUSH on him... Alot of people have asked him out but he usually says no Tommorow is a fieldtrip and during the trip I wanna ask him out, is there anything I can do to heighten my chances of him saying yes?

Best lube????????????

I say go with Astroglide if you are looking for highest quality of lube for masturbation. Target/Walmart etc., everywhere carries it and it's much better than KY. Only downside is that they don't carry flavors. It doesn't taste bad, it just doesn't taste great either. If you really want flavored go with Wet strawberry flavor. Yet another highly available lube. Personally I hate flavored lubes so I avoid them, but I don't like oral sex performed on me either, so to each her own.

Im confused about my 1st tattoo?

so i been wanting a tattoo for a while but i don't want to just get anything. I want "Strength" on me i wanted it on the top of my shoulder like where my bra strap sits at with 3 little butterflies, others said i shouldn't get it there . I know its what i want but i just need some more opinions. Please & thanks.

How do I forget my ex girlfriend?

I've been and am very much in love with my current girlfriend of four years. Everything is great, except I often feel heart sore that I lost my ex everytime I think of her. This seems to be happening alot more lately and I'm starting to get a bit emo over the whole thing. I am a lesbian, so does this just mean girls have heightened emotions and I'm just stuck with it? Or do you have suggestions how to get over what I thought I had already/ dealing with it. Thanks guys xox

Poison ivy is burning?

im 15. I have poison ivy on my left leg. It doesnt even itch anymore.its burning. I see blisters.there's four of blisters.I just now used clamy lotion. What that help? and for the pain, should i use cool water? and if the blisters ooze or pop ehat should i do? Help???????????????

Guilty over little things?

OK im a teenage boy that is just going into puberty which i think is the cause of this. For example i feel guilty over seeing roger from american dad in a bra. ( i know stupid ) then looking at Tanya from Everybody hates chris's chest ( Nothing there but still ) Then i am on Ecchi and see an add with a big erected penis that reads monster cock >.> i have no desire to discuss this with my parents so i want to know if there is something wrong with me or an individual explanation for all 3. Thanks people its just stressing the hell outta me. :)

My cherry tree has branches with leaves turning yellow AND the bark is oozing sap. Should I cut branches?

Read the answer about expecting too much too soon - Guilty, but will picking cherries & flowers and mulching solve the oozing bark problem as well as the leaves turning yellow? It's June and I'm watching for Japanese beetles.

Opinions on a short opening to a story?

I loved it. It was full of detail, which I personally think is important in a good story. And you have a perfect amount of it. Love the rhetorical question for the opening, I think that makes the reader want to keep on reading and find out the answer. It seems quite dark and morbid, which I assume is what you were going for? If so then you did a very good job. Keep going with this, it's captivating.

Is it okay to use a bikini bra and a board shorts? instead of using the underwear of the bikini? i dont feel w?

we're goin to the beach and i dont know what to wear. well. im fat now so i dont feel like wearing the underwear of my bikini. so im planning to use my bikini bra and a board shorts. is it okay? of course i have to match the color. but is it awkward? or something? please help me...... i cant decide. :)

Why wont anti illegals admit this?

Because they want you to think that they are "True American Patriots". They discredit any source that brings out the truth. Another great source for this information is: a href="" rel="nofollow"

Are union members proud at what they did in Wisconsin?

Nothing matters to them so long as they get what they want. Any possible damage to the state, to the nation, or even to their own reputation is of no consideration. Think not? Then explain any other reason.

Is it normal for one breast to be leaking and not the other?

I'm almost 30 weeks. My left breast is starting to leak colustrum so much I'll need bra pads soon, but my right is hardly doing anything! Also, is it normal to be getting this so soon? Most woman I've talked to didn't have anything until after giving birth.


Its a pimple! it hurts because u sit there! at some point in life everyone has had the same thing. tough it out, u will live.


Try taking some warm bathes, No soap. Sit in there as long as tolerated. Try taking a wet wash clothe and put it in a baggie and microwave for a few seconds and put the compress on the pimple. Repeat the process several times. Some boils need to be opened up. If it doesn't go away see your Doctor.

Am I ok? Whats going on?

It's perfectly normal to keep developing into your mid twenties. Also, and I don't mean to be rude, you may have simply gained some weight. As we stop growing, our metabolisms slow down. As long as you are comfortable, I wouldn't worry about it.

Is it possible to have hives and eczema!?

I have itchy raised bumps on my legs and arms only. On my neck, chest, eyelids,lower half of face and knuckles I have just a normal rash. They are really itchy,burn when i scratch them and cause my eyes and lower half of my face to swell. Eventaully its accompanied with dry blistering and oozes but only on my face. Could i have hives and eczema!? how can I tell the difference!!

What causes this intense/sharp pain underneath my left breast?

i am a 17 year old female and for months now i keep getting this intense and sharppain rightunderneath myleft breast. things such as breathing even hurt badly; sometimes it happens after i workout, but sometimes i will be sitting on the couch and it will just randomly hurt. i thought it was from wearing a bra but it will happen without one as well. it feels like it could be muscle but i want others thoughts...

Pain around belly button area?

It started out with one day me noticing oozing or puss (yellow & white) coming from inside my belly button (deep inside) my belly button isn't pierced or anything, and it was coming from deep inside. I kept it clean with hydrogen peroxide and it hasn't been infected of oozing ever since. Now it hurts inside my stomach around the belly button area. It hurts when laying down, when bending down, walking etc. I also feel sick for hours if I eat a medium-large proportioned food amount now. What could this be?

Tips on getting in to Columbia University?

I really want to go to Columbia University. But, I do know the large amount of people who share the same desire. I am working hard on my GPA and my ACT scores but I just wanted to know anything that might heighten my chances are anything to really focus on. Thanks!

Is it bad if my nipples bleed out black licorice?

I'm a guy, 17, and I've noticed many different things happening to my body. Lately long strands of black licorice are oozing out of my nipples. It doesn't hurt or anything but I don't think it's normal. Please help!!

Red swollen bumps on my arms?

Since I was ten years old, I noticed I've been getting these little pimple-like bumbs on both my arms. I pick at them/squeeze them from time to time, and usually a puss-like substance oozes out, and sometimes it has a hair stuck to it. What are these annoying things and how can I get rid of them?

GIRLS>>>Should i ask my mom this?

Yeah , and don't be embarrassed . She had to do that , too when she was your age. We are all female. But yes , you should ask your mom that.

Monday, July 11, 2011

3 months late on my period?

Haven't had my period for 3 months. Found out the last time i had sex and the condom broke was when i was ovulating...i had one very very short period the 27th of march which was late, im supposed to start around the 20th and haven't had one since. I haven't thought anything of it until recently i realized im 3 months late...although i haven't been feeling right, im constantly tired, i feel like im about to start my period but without the cramps but then never start. ive been peeing all the time. also my sense of smell is heightened and it makes me nauseous. But i took 2 tests, one the results never formed and the other was a very light colored minus sign, but didn't look as prominent as its supposed to look. Also i was talking to a friend who knows alot about pregnancy and there's weird little things, like my hair wont hold dye well, and im breaking out on spots on my face that never break out. And before all this i had been dieting, but after i moved back in febuary its been kinda hard to stay on it, kinda go on and off of it, and now it seems im loosing weight everywhere but my tummy